Programming: Be as generic as possible

One key idea of writing good, reusable and "flexible" code is to be as generic as possible. What do I mean by that? Just look at this code snippet at tell me what's wrong with it?

class Foo {
	public Foo(String fileName) {
		// moo

Now, there might be circumstances where this is perfectly fine but let's look at what drawbacks this has:

Can't use in-memory contents

What if I have whatever I want to pass to Foo already in memory or only in memory? I'd have to create a temporary file, write to it and make sure it's cleaned up again so I can use Foo. That's not nice.

What if the file isn't accessible directly through the OS file system?

What if it's on a network share where the OS has no built-in support for? I'd have to copy the file first to a local temporary directory and then clean it up again.

Alright! Fine, let's just use this instead then:

class Foo {
	public Foo(String data) {
		// moo

	public Foo fromFile(String fileName) {
		return Foo(readThatFile(fileName))

Better? A little. But still.... not really.

What if the file is large and doesn't fit completely into memory?

If the file is large... I can't use Foo. Using String is fine however if Foo absolutely needs everything at once.

How can we do better? Use interfaces!

class Foo {
	public Foo(InputStream data) {
		// moo

This is much more generic. Now I can use it with files, I can use it with sockets, I can use it with in-memory data and I could even download the contents from wherever I want.